Room 7
Nikau hub
Parkvale school
Howard street Hastings 4122
29th may 2017
I am writing this letter to say a big thank you for coming to camp kaitawa with us. It was lots of fun when we went caving.My 3 highlights are caving lou's lookout and the amazing race.
My favorite one was caving because you guided us through the caves. My favorite cave was the last cave because we had to shuffle along the wall so we wouldn’t walk through the bat poo.
The hardest part at camp was the the amazing race
because you had to make 4 houses with 16 cards.
My favorite part was when we had to make a chocolate fudge slice. It was delicious. Wwe ate it on the way to school. It looked yuck when we made it but when we ate it, it was yummy.
Lou's lookout was cool because we saw glow worms
They were light blue and and have tiny white dots on the back of the worm.
there were deep holes on the side of the track. They were very steep when we were at the top you talked to us and showed us where the vans were with your torch. Hopefully you come to camp next time.
Yours sincerely